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The grants office works within resource development to secure grant revenue from corporations, foundations, and government sources. It also coordinates grant activity to ensure effective grant planning, consistent management practices, and efficient tracking of grant resources across the district.

Please involve the grants office as soon as you identify a potential grant opportunity. Notifying the Director of Grants Management before you start work on a proposal is beneficial in the following ways:

  • It helps us to better understand how many grant opportunities there are and how many we pursue or do not pursue (and the reasons for this).
  • We are better informed about grant activity across the colleges and at the district level.
  • We can make strategic decisions about which grants to pursue at the individual or multi-college level or district-wide.
  • It ensures we are as competitive as possible. For example, some funders only allow one application per organization; other times, they will make one award per geographic area.
  • We can avoid conflicts with submissions being made by other departments or sister colleges.
  • We can identify support and training needs early.
  • We can obtain the necessary pre-submission approvals (green sheet process) in a timely fashion.

Grant Process

Grant Development

These resources are designed to assist you in preparing your grant application and can be used alongside the Grant Development Process Flowchart.

Grant Routing (Green Sheet)

Grant Implementation

Nonprofit Status

Nonprofit tax-exempt status (501(c)(3)) is often required when applying to private grant-making foundations. The Los Rios Colleges Foundation (LRCF) is the auxiliary nonprofit organization of the Los Rios Community College District and has 501(c)(3) status. Please email or call Sue Byrne, Director of Grants Management, at or (916) 568-3096 if you are applying for a grant that requires 501(c)(3) status. All grants requiring 501(c)(3) status must be approved by LRCF prior to submission.


8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.


We are located inside Suite 700 at the District Office.

1919 Spanos Court
Sacramento, CA 95825