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Home Our Organization Departments and Offices Communications and Media Relations

Communications and Media Relations

The Communications and Media Relations Office is responsible for the communication activities of the district. It serves as a resource for the Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff in the area of communications and media relations. Day-to-day activities include:

  • Coordinating the district's strategic communications
  • Coordinating social media efforts
  • Handling media relations
  • Coordinating marketing and advertising initiatives
  • Coordinating internal communications, including publications and brochures

The office works closely with the public information officers and presidents at each of the four colleges.

Check out our branding toolkit for internal audiences and community partners who want to use our brand assets or create content for Los Rios.

Contact us

Phone: (916) 568-3056
Fax: (916) 561-0574

Gabe Ross
Chief Strategy and Communications Officer

Teri Gutierrez
Confidential Administrative Assistant

Ben Barber
Web Developer

Katrina Harman
Public Information Officer – Websites


8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.


We are located inside the Office of the Chancellor at the District Office.

1919 Spanos Court
Sacramento, CA 95825