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The Purpose of Tables

The purpose of data tables is to present tabular information in a grid with columns or rows that show the meaning of the information in the grid. Sighted users can visually scan a table and make visual associations between data in the table and their appropriate row and/or column headers.

A person who cannot see the table cannot make these visual associations, so proper markup must be used to make a programmatic association between elements within the table. When the proper HTML markup is used, users of screen readers can navigate through data tables one cell at a time, and they will hear the column and row headers spoken to them.

Tables should never be used purely to visually format content.

Note for Web Editors

The information presented on this page assumes that you have a working knowledge of HTML tables – it is not a complete guide on how to create accessible tables. If you are not familiar the latest standards for HTML tables, then check out the websites listed under resources.

The following information is specific to the Los Rios websites and utilizes code that we have implemented in our HTML and CSS templates.

Table Requirements

Additional Table Classes, Attributes, and Structure