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2020-2021 AB 19 Eligibility

Revised: March 20, 2020

  1. "Maintain enrollment" is defined as being enrolled in 12 or more units for the Fall and Spring term or 6 units for Summer term on the enrollment deadline date.
  2. Must apply to Los Rios through CCC Apply or via the OEI-CVC by the enrollment deadline for the term being evaluated. The enrollment deadline for Promise Program eligibility purposes will be the Admissions and Records Enrollment Census date for each term.
  3. Must complete a FAFSA or CA Dream Application by the Admissions and Records Enrollment Census date for the term being evaluated.
  4. There are no age restrictions or high school completion requirement to receive a Promise Program waiver.
  5. Must not be financially eligible for Promise Grant (formerly BOG Fee Waiver) in the term in which they are receive a Promise Program. Student must have financial need less than $1.104. Financial need is determined by the students COA minus EFC. Students who were eligible for the Promise Grant in one year may not be eligible for the Promise Grant in the other year. In this case, the student would be eligible for Promise Program in the year in which they did not meet the eligibility for the Promise Grant.
  6. Student must be a CA Resident or determined AB 540 or AB 2000 by the Admissions and Records office.
  7. The Promise Program is limited to the first two years of enrollment in college. Students who are transferring from a college other than Los Rios College are eligible for the Promise Program as long as they have not received a degree or certificate at any institution.
  8. Students who have completed a degree or certificate at Los Rios are not eligible for the Promise Program. These students are identified as having a program plan status as completed in PeopleSoft.
  9. Students who have self-reported a degree (Associate or Bachelors) on their admissions application – as identified in the Student Term Data fields in PeopleSoft are not eligible for the Promise Program.
  10. The two-year period begins with the initial term of enrollment. The initial term of enrollment is identified by the first semester of enrollment, unless the student is an Advanced Ed or Pre term on the student term data in PeopleSoft. Students who are accepted into a program of study but never have enrollment activity will begin their two year time period when they enroll in their first course.
  11. If the first term of enrollment is the summer and the student is not eligible for the Summer term, the student may be considered for Promise Program eligibility for the Fall semester. However, the start of the two years of eligibility begins with the student’s first enrollment.
  12. Students who enroll in courses, but drop all courses by the enrollment deadline are not eligible for the Promise Program.
  13. Students who receive a Promise Program in one term and never attempt enrollment in the following term are no longer eligible for the Promise Program.
  14. A student who is enrolled full-time on the enrollment deadline(s), but fails to complete the FAFSA or CADAA by the deadline is not eligible for the Promise Program. However, if the student has maintained full-time enrollment and later completes the FAFSA or CADAA by a the deadline, the student will be eligible for the Promise Program for the terms where both enrollment and FAFSA or CADAA deadlines are met as long as it is within the first two years of their enrollment. However, the start of the two years of eligibility begins with the student’s first enrollment.
  15. Students who receive a Promise Program waiver in any primary term and do not enroll in sufficient units or complete a FAFSA by the enrollment deadline for the next primary term are no longer eligible for the Promise Program for any future terms.
  16. Any student who transfers from a non Los Rios Community College and provides evidence that the student maintained full-time for all primary terms may have the fees waived using Promise Program funds for a total of two years including the terms at the prior community college. The college Financial Aid Office must manually process these students for the Promise Program.
  17. Students who transfer from a non CA Community College and who have not received a degree or certificate are eligible for the Promise Program. The college Financial Aid Office must manually process these students for the Promise Program. Students who self-report an Associates or Bachelors degree on their admissions application are automatically denied the Promise Program.
  18. Enrollment deadline requirement will count only enrolled units on the Admissions and Records Enrollment Census Date for each full term.
  19. Students with disabilities may be eligible for the Promise Program with a reduced course load. If Disabled Student Programs and Services office determines that the student should be classified as a full time student with a load of less than 12 units, the college should document this in the student’s file and the Financial Aid Office will need to manually award the student.
  20. The campus Financial Aid Office may manually award the Promise Program to students on an exception basis. To qualify for the exception and be awarded a Promise Program waiver, the student must have completed the FAFSA by the above deadline date and meet all other requirements for the Promise Program. Additionally, the student must be enrolled in 12 units on the term Enrollment Deadline to receive the waiver.
  21. If a student does not enroll in 12 or more units continuously, then they are no longer eligible. If a student enrolls in Fall and Spring, but does not enroll in the next Fall, then they are not eligible if they return for Spring (which would have been their last semester of eligibility).
  22. There is no appeal process for the student. If an eligible student fails to receive a Promise Program waiver, the college may award the student the waiver to rectify or correct an error made on behalf of the college or district.