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Improving Outcomes for African American and Latinx Students

Home Training Improving Outcomes for African American and Latinx Students

The Time for Measurable Change is Now

The time is now to improve outcomes for our African American and Latinx students. Combined, these students make up at least 37.4% of our student population, yet are less likely to complete a degree than others at our colleges.

The entire Los Rios organization – including our Board of Trustees, Chancellor and College Presidents, and faculty and classified leadership – is committed to making real and measurable change on behalf of our students.


Though the equity work and the conversation about closing historic opportunity gaps are not new, the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many others have ignited a renewed urgency to accelerate this work.

The following is a timeline of recent Los Rios activities supporting this effort.

Digital Equity Workgroup is Established

Digital Equity Workgroup is established in response to urgent and critical technology needs associated with the move to remote operations. The workgroup includes a broad range of college and district representation.

April 24, 2020

First CARES Funds Distribution

The first direct distribution of CARES funds to Los Rios students based on student need defined through an equity lens (including resources for undocumented students from alternate funding source).

May 8, 2020

African American Advisory Group Established

Chancellor King establishes an informal advisory group with African American administrators for ongoing dialogue on a variety of issues, including inclusive hiring practices and how to best address the needs of African American students.

June 8, 2020

Auto-Drops for Nonpayment Paused

All auto-drops for nonpayment temporarily are paused, as part of efforts to reduce financial barriers for our neediest students amid the pandemic.

June 24, 2020

LRPD Reforms

Los Rios Police Department announces a series of major reforms aligned with Campaign Zero, a national leader in the movement to end police violence.

July 8, 2020

Board Resolution Affirming Commitment

Los Rios Board of Trustees approves Resolution: Affirming our Commitment to Student Success for Black and African American Students.

July 14, 2020

2.6 GPA Requirement Implementation

Districtwide implementation of a 2.6 GPA for placement in college-level English courses at all four Los Rios colleges, a move intended to get students of color in particular into college-level courses – and on a path to completion – quicker.

August 1, 2020

Work Begins with Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo

Work begins with Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo to help facilitate our commitment to improving outcomes for African American and Latinx students. This investment comes in the midst of massive budget uncertainty caused by the global pandemic, indicating the urgency and prioritization of the work.

August 1, 2020

"How to Be an Antiracist" Book Study

College and district administrative leadership teams come together on a multi-week book study of Ibram X. Kendi's landmark book, "How to Be an Antiracist." The book study helps to create a shared vision and language for the critical work underway.

August 10, 2020

Second Distribution of CARES Funds

Second direct distribution of CARES funds to Los Rios students based on student needs defined through an equity lens (including resources for undocumented students from alternate funding sources).

August 12, 2020

District Academic Senate Retreat

Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo participate in District Academic Senate (DAS) Retreat.

August 18, 2020

Fall Convocation

All four Los Rios Colleges share ambitious goals to improve outcomes for African American and Latinx students at Fall Convocation.

August 21, 2020

Districtwide Equity Town Hall

Districtwide Equity Town Hall discussion is facilitated by Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo.

August 28, 2020

Board Discussion

Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo participate in discussions with members of the Los Rios Board of Trustees.

September 4, 2020

Common Goals Established

All four Los Rios Colleges, led by the college Presidents and Chancellor King, establish common goals and strategies to address the historic equity gaps of African American and Latinx students at a Board of Trustees Study Session – Equity Study Session, Student Success Targets.

September 9, 2020

SCC Executive Planning

Lasana Hotep participates in the Sacramento City College Executive Planning Session.

October 6, 2020

Supporting Transformative Change Action Plan

Los Rios Board of Trustees adopts the "Supporting Transformative Change Action Plan," a statement of the Board's commitment to improving outcomes for African American and Latinx students with specific policy-related deliverables.

October 9, 2020

ARC Executive Planning

Dr. Cynthia Olivo participates in the American River College Executive Planning Session.

October 12, 2020

CRC and FLC Executive Planning

Lasana Hotep participates in the Cosumnes River College Executive Planning Session, while Dr. Cynthia Olivo participates in Folsom Lake College Executive Planning Session.

October 13, 2020

District Research Council Planning

Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo participate in District Research Council Planning Session.

October 16, 2020

Kickoff for College Futures Grant

Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo participate in the kickoff for College Futures grant implementation project.

October 21, 2020

District Equity Champions Discussion

Districtwide discussion with Lasana Hotep, Dr. Cynthia Olivo, and college and district equity "champions."

November 12, 2020

Classified Senate Planning

Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo participate in Classified Senate Planning Session.

November 19, 2020

Spring Convocation Planning

Lasana Hotep and Dr. Cynthia Olivo participate in planning session with Convocation leads from all four colleges.

November 30, 2020

LRCFT Contract Includes Equity Self-Reflection Component

Los Rios Board of Trustees approves new contract between Los Rios and the Los Rios Colleges Federation of Teachers (LRCFT). For the first time, the new contract includes an "Equity Self-Reflection" component for faculty.

December 16, 2020

Past Events

College Data Dashboards

Note: To view some of these dashboards, you must access the dashboard via the Los Rios internal network – whether by a direct connection on a work station or via VPN and remote desktop. You must also sign in with your Los Rios ID and password.

Background and Framework Resources

Equity redirects resources to the pathways with the greatest need to fix barriers and intentionally provide support. This includes the following steps: 1) inquiry to understand how practices impede equity; 2) Faculty and staff training to be equity facilitators; 3) Goal setting and action planning; 4) Regular data disaggregation and analysis.

Image provided by Dr. Estela Bensimon, Center for Urban Education.
