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Home Our Organization Institutional Research IR Reports Recent High School Graduate Data

The following tables and reports provide information about high schools from the greater Sacramento area including the number of recent high school graduates, enrollment by Los Rios colleges, and participation rates for the top feeder high schools.

Recent High School Graduates Analytic Reports

The following report presents data on recent graduates who enrolled in a Los Rios college at Fall first census. The purpose of the report is to provide insights into the demographics, socioeconomic status indicators, and other relevant metrics on this cohort of students.

In addition, the external environmental scan of the greater Sacramento area provides information and trends on local high school graduates on pages 16 through 22:

Area High Schools' Graduate Participation Rate Reports

These Data Tables provide Participation Rates for recent high school graduates in LRCCD Colleges by top feeder high schools in the Sacramento Area for the most recent Fall term (based on EOS data and high school graduation data as reported by the California Department of Education).

Individual High School Reports by County

The following reports provide information for recent high school graduates from the Sacrament region who enrolled in the Los Rios Community College District.

Data for each individual high school includes:

  • Number of high school graduates
  • Enrollment at Los Rios colleges
  • Average units attempted
  • Average units completed
  • Average GPA
  • Success rate
  • Fall to Spring persistence

Comparative data for all Recent High School Graduates enrolled at Los Rios colleges is also provided.

Reports are not provided for those high schools with small numbers of high school graduates and/or enrollment in a Los Rios college.

Sacramento County High Schools

Yolo County High Schools